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The Bands offered at East High include:
  • Concert Band (9th grade)
  • Symphonic Band (10-12th grade)
  • Wind Ensemble (auditioned 10-12th graders)
  • Jazz Band
After school East High's Marching Panthers rehearse and compete in TOB competitions, parades, and perform at all football games.

Wind Ensemble

Wind Ensemble is East High's premier band and is filled by audition only.  Students in this ensemble should expect to regularly play more demanding music and perform at the highest level.  

This is a participation- and performance-based class focused on extending your understanding of musical notation and reading. As a student in this department, the goal of this class is to perform music of a high standard and work towards several ensemble performances.

Concert Band

Concert Band is geared for students in grades 9-12 who have the desire to continue their musical studies on a wind or percussion instrument.  We will focus on performing the standard and contemporary wind band literature musically.

This is a participation- and performance-based class focused on developing your understanding of musical notation and reading.  Concert Band is a continuation level course for students with four or more years of previous band experience.  Emphasis is on the advancement of instrument technique, the further development of ensemble performance skills, and building on the theoretical framework set in concert band. 

Jazz Band

Students in Jazz Band will perform a variety of jazz music ranging from swing to rock to Latin while developing a basic improvisation vocabulary.  This ensemble should expect to add several gigs throughout the year as there is currently great demand for live jazz music.

In this course, students will develop the skills and knowledge to improvise, play in small combos, and in a big band setting.  This course focuses heavily on the application of music theory to performance through improvisation.  Students will have the opportunity to arrange a jazz tune for a small combo as well as perform a variety jazz lit for big band written at the appropriate grade level. In addition to performing, students will develop the ability to understand, appreciate, perceive, create, and respond to music through balanced instruction that includes studying works from historical, aesthetic, and critical perspectives. 

Symphonic Band